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The words between `CRC-32-Table` and `Calculate-CRC-32` are compiled, executed, and forgotten. For testing, `Little-Endian-!` and `CRC-TEST` are also permanent definitions. With `CRC-32` the user should precondition the check-sum to `TRUE` (all bits on). For every byte read, `CRC-32` uses `Calculate-CRC-32` to update the check-sum. When `CRC-32` has finished reading, it postconditions the check-sum with `INVERT` to get the CRC. If the CRC is inverted again and added to the end of the file or string in little-endian order, the CRC of the result will be all bits on. ----------------------------------------------------------------- [THEN] \ The International Standard 32-bit CRC. CREATE CRC-32-Table 256 CELLS ALLOT MARKER CRC-32-TABLE-INITIALIZATION \ Define CRC-POLYNOMIAL from its coefficient terms. : POLY 32 26 23 22 16 12 11 10 8 7 5 4 2 1 0 ( ...) 0 BEGIN ( ... poly) SWAP ( ... poly bit) DUP 32 <> WHILE 31 XOR 1 SWAP LSHIFT OR ( ... poly) REPEAT ( ... poly bit) DROP ( poly) ; POLY CONSTANT CRC-POLYNOMIAL ( ) CR .( \ CRC-POLYNOMIAL is ) CRC-POLYNOMIAL HEX U. DECIMAL CR 0 [IF] ================================================================= `CRC-POLYNOMIAL` represents a polynomial with binary coefficients, 0 or 1, of the 32nd degree. In the literature it is usually written as a sum of powers of _x_ in algebraic notation. But the coefficient of the highest exponent is always 1, not 0 - otherwise it wouldn't be of the 32nd degree. So it can be represented by 32 bits. A file or string to be checked is treated like a polynomial of degree 8 times the number of bytes all minus 1. That is, a 100,000 byte file or string is a 799,999 degree polynomial. If you examine the code for `Calculate-CRC-for-a-Byte` you can see that it's doing long division the way you learned in third or fourth grade but with binary polynomials as dividend and divisor. `XOR` is subtraction - and addition. `CRC-POLYNOMIAL` is the divisor. When you're through with the file the check-sum is the remainder. The quotient is ignored throughout. `CRC-32-Table` contains the remainders when dividing by `CRC-POLYNOMIAL`. The coefficients of `CRC-POLYNOMIAL` are in reverse order from the arithmetic value. This is the order in which they occur when the file is transmitted. In the polynomial the sign bit represents `1` and `1 AND` represents _x_^31. `1 RSHIFT` would shift the dividend to the _left_ if you were doing it by hand. After `CRC-32-Table` is built, `CRC-POLYNOMIAL` is no longer needed and is discarded together with the functions that were used to build `CRC-32-Table`. ----------------------------------------------------------------- [THEN] : Calculate-CRC-for-a-Byte ( i -- crc ) 8 0 DO dup 1 AND IF 1 RSHIFT CRC-POLYNOMIAL XOR ELSE 1 RSHIFT THEN LOOP ; : Build-CRC-Table ( -- ) 256 0 DO I Calculate-CRC-for-a-Byte I CELLS CRC-32-Table + ! LOOP ; Build-CRC-Table CRC-32-TABLE-INITIALIZATION \ Discard everything after CRC-32-Table. 0 [IF] ================================================================= Display CRC-32-Table to see whether it looks OK. The print-out has the form it does so you can copy and paste it as the definition of `CRC-32-Table` rather than re-constructing it in the future. You will still need the definitions of `Calculate-CRC-32` and `CRC-32` of course. ----------------------------------------------------------------- [THEN] MARKER ONCE : Print-CRC-Table CR ." CREATE CRC-32-Table " CR ." HEX " 256 0 DO I 4 MOD 0= IF CR ." ( " I 3 .R ." ) " THEN I CELLS CRC-32-Table + @ HEX 0 <# # # # # # # # # #> TYPE ." , " DECIMAL LOOP CR ." DECIMAL " ; Print-CRC-Table ONCE 0 [IF] ================================================================= Calculate-CRC-32 ( crc byte -- crc' ) Update CRC by a byte. CRC-32 ( crc addr u -- crc' ) Compute CRC for a file or string. ----------------------------------------------------------------- [THEN] : Calculate-CRC-32 ( crc byte -- crc' ) OVER XOR 255 AND CELLS CRC-32-Table + @ SWAP 8 RSHIFT XOR ; : CRC-32 ( crc addr u -- crc' ) BOUNDS ?DO ( crc) I C@ Calculate-CRC-32 LOOP INVERT ; 0 [IF] ================================================================= Little-Endian-! ( n addr -- ) Store _n_ at _addr_ in little-endian order. If the environment arithmetic is already little-endian, this is equivalent to `!` overriding alignment requirements. CRC-TEST ( str len -- ) Test the CRC-32 of a string. ----------------------------------------------------------------- [THEN] : Little-Endian-! ( n addr -- ) 4 BOUNDS DO ( n) dup 255 AND I C! 8 RSHIFT LOOP DROP ; : CRC-TEST ( str len -- ) dup >R \ Move string to PAD. PAD SWAP MOVE ( ) \ Calculate CRC. TRUE PAD R@ ( crc str len) CRC-32 ( crc') \ Show it. CR ." \ " dup HEX U. DECIMAL \ Invert CRC and add to end of string. INVERT PAD R@ + Little-Endian-! ( ) \ Check CRC of the result. TRUE PAD R@ 4 + ( crc str len) CRC-32 ( crc') HEX U. DECIMAL ( ) \ Should be all bits on. R> DROP ; S" An Arbitrary String" CRC-TEST \ Should be 6FBEAAE7 FFFFFFFF S" ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDBCA" CRC-TEST \ Should be 99CDFDB2 FFFFFFFF S" 123456789" CRC-TEST \ Should be CBF43926 FFFFFFFF \\ End of CRC \ CRC-POLYNOMIAL is EDB88320 CREATE CRC-32-Table HEX ( 0 ) 00000000 , 77073096 , EE0E612C , 990951BA , ( 4 ) 076DC419 , 706AF48F , E963A535 , 9E6495A3 , ( 8 ) 0EDB8832 , 79DCB8A4 , E0D5E91E , 97D2D988 , ( 12 ) 09B64C2B , 7EB17CBD , E7B82D07 , 90BF1D91 , ( 16 ) 1DB71064 , 6AB020F2 , F3B97148 , 84BE41DE , ( 20 ) 1ADAD47D , 6DDDE4EB , F4D4B551 , 83D385C7 , ( 24 ) 136C9856 , 646BA8C0 , FD62F97A , 8A65C9EC , ( 28 ) 14015C4F , 63066CD9 , FA0F3D63 , 8D080DF5 , ( 32 ) 3B6E20C8 , 4C69105E , D56041E4 , A2677172 , ( 36 ) 3C03E4D1 , 4B04D447 , D20D85FD , A50AB56B , ( 40 ) 35B5A8FA , 42B2986C , DBBBC9D6 , ACBCF940 , ( 44 ) 32D86CE3 , 45DF5C75 , DCD60DCF , ABD13D59 , ( 48 ) 26D930AC , 51DE003A , C8D75180 , BFD06116 , ( 52 ) 21B4F4B5 , 56B3C423 , CFBA9599 , B8BDA50F , ( 56 ) 2802B89E , 5F058808 , C60CD9B2 , B10BE924 , ( 60 ) 2F6F7C87 , 58684C11 , C1611DAB , B6662D3D , ( 64 ) 76DC4190 , 01DB7106 , 98D220BC , EFD5102A , ( 68 ) 71B18589 , 06B6B51F , 9FBFE4A5 , E8B8D433 , ( 72 ) 7807C9A2 , 0F00F934 , 9609A88E , E10E9818 , ( 76 ) 7F6A0DBB , 086D3D2D , 91646C97 , E6635C01 , ( 80 ) 6B6B51F4 , 1C6C6162 , 856530D8 , F262004E , ( 84 ) 6C0695ED , 1B01A57B , 8208F4C1 , F50FC457 , ( 88 ) 65B0D9C6 , 12B7E950 , 8BBEB8EA , FCB9887C , ( 92 ) 62DD1DDF , 15DA2D49 , 8CD37CF3 , FBD44C65 , ( 96 ) 4DB26158 , 3AB551CE , A3BC0074 , D4BB30E2 , ( 100 ) 4ADFA541 , 3DD895D7 , A4D1C46D , D3D6F4FB , ( 104 ) 4369E96A , 346ED9FC , AD678846 , DA60B8D0 , ( 108 ) 44042D73 , 33031DE5 , AA0A4C5F , DD0D7CC9 , ( 112 ) 5005713C , 270241AA , BE0B1010 , C90C2086 , ( 116 ) 5768B525 , 206F85B3 , B966D409 , CE61E49F , ( 120 ) 5EDEF90E , 29D9C998 , B0D09822 , C7D7A8B4 , ( 124 ) 59B33D17 , 2EB40D81 , B7BD5C3B , C0BA6CAD , ( 128 ) EDB88320 , 9ABFB3B6 , 03B6E20C , 74B1D29A , ( 132 ) EAD54739 , 9DD277AF , 04DB2615 , 73DC1683 , ( 136 ) E3630B12 , 94643B84 , 0D6D6A3E , 7A6A5AA8 , ( 140 ) E40ECF0B , 9309FF9D , 0A00AE27 , 7D079EB1 , ( 144 ) F00F9344 , 8708A3D2 , 1E01F268 , 6906C2FE , ( 148 ) F762575D , 806567CB , 196C3671 , 6E6B06E7 , ( 152 ) FED41B76 , 89D32BE0 , 10DA7A5A , 67DD4ACC , ( 156 ) F9B9DF6F , 8EBEEFF9 , 17B7BE43 , 60B08ED5 , ( 160 ) D6D6A3E8 , A1D1937E , 38D8C2C4 , 4FDFF252 , ( 164 ) D1BB67F1 , A6BC5767 , 3FB506DD , 48B2364B , ( 168 ) D80D2BDA , AF0A1B4C , 36034AF6 , 41047A60 , ( 172 ) DF60EFC3 , A867DF55 , 316E8EEF , 4669BE79 , ( 176 ) CB61B38C , BC66831A , 256FD2A0 , 5268E236 , ( 180 ) CC0C7795 , BB0B4703 , 220216B9 , 5505262F , ( 184 ) C5BA3BBE , B2BD0B28 , 2BB45A92 , 5CB36A04 , ( 188 ) C2D7FFA7 , B5D0CF31 , 2CD99E8B , 5BDEAE1D , ( 192 ) 9B64C2B0 , EC63F226 , 756AA39C , 026D930A , ( 196 ) 9C0906A9 , EB0E363F , 72076785 , 05005713 , ( 200 ) 95BF4A82 , E2B87A14 , 7BB12BAE , 0CB61B38 , ( 204 ) 92D28E9B , E5D5BE0D , 7CDCEFB7 , 0BDBDF21 , ( 208 ) 86D3D2D4 , F1D4E242 , 68DDB3F8 , 1FDA836E , ( 212 ) 81BE16CD , F6B9265B , 6FB077E1 , 18B74777 , ( 216 ) 88085AE6 , FF0F6A70 , 66063BCA , 11010B5C , ( 220 ) 8F659EFF , F862AE69 , 616BFFD3 , 166CCF45 , ( 224 ) A00AE278 , D70DD2EE , 4E048354 , 3903B3C2 , ( 228 ) A7672661 , D06016F7 , 4969474D , 3E6E77DB , ( 232 ) AED16A4A , D9D65ADC , 40DF0B66 , 37D83BF0 , ( 236 ) A9BCAE53 , DEBB9EC5 , 47B2CF7F , 30B5FFE9 , ( 240 ) BDBDF21C , CABAC28A , 53B39330 , 24B4A3A6 , ( 244 ) BAD03605 , CDD70693 , 54DE5729 , 23D967BF , ( 248 ) B3667A2E , C4614AB8 , 5D681B02 , 2A6F2B94 , ( 252 ) B40BBE37 , C30C8EA1 , 5A05DF1B , 2D02EF8D , DECIMAL