Maintainer HOWTO


The complete source for the websites live in the CVS
repository. The module is simply called "forth-repository". 
Most of the html-files are generated from other
files with a Makefile-based system. The generators
are often perl-files that live in this (mk/)-subdirectory.
There should be additional cvs-modules that carry
forth-source for portable programming, but currently
there is no such module, just the example code embedded
in the website documents.

CVS checkin/checkout

The actual usage of the CVS command is written in
the sourceforge docs. See there, a starting point is the 
 forth project's cvs helper  and have a look at the
 sourceforge documentation  including guides for
access from windows (which does not have cvs/ssh installed
by the OS vendor).

Updating the website

new style:
There is a new style now - running `make install` in the
toplevel of your CVS copy will actually install the files
in /usr/share/groups/f/fo/forth/htdocs, and it will implicitly 
`make index` there, and not in your CVS copy. This is different 
from earlier update policies where you would `make index`
and upload your copy. However this created problems
since it did often upload the CVS files too which have
very restritive file permissions.

Instead you can go now to /usr/share/groups/f/fo/forth/htdocs and execute
  make upload ; make updone
or if you need a username - this is what is done:
  scp -rC .
  ssh make perms -C /home/groups/f/fo/forth/htdocs
which both will just copy all files to the webserver directory - as an identical copy - 
and then fix file permissions, ownership and so on.

Furthermore, you can `make dist` which will override the
FORTHDOC variable (`make install FORTHDOC=/tmp/xxx`) and
then create a tarball from the installed files. This is
good for archiving the website as you made it last.

one last note
Please don't forget to fix perms (`make perms`) for the
files - otherwise your team of editors will be unable to 
modify your files - which is usually what you wanted them
to do - to let others do atleast some of your work ;-)

$Id: index.html,v 1.4 2001/09/02 11:10:06 guidod Exp $