Greg Bailey
From:	Greg Bailey []
Sent:	Sat 10 Oct 98 20:01
To:	'J14 Floor'
Cc:	Ray Duncan (E-mail); 'ark-gvb'
Subject:	NOTICE! RFI Q98-011 Recognized

The following Request for Interpretation from Michael Gassanenko is recognized as Q0011. Ray Duncan is assigned to draft the TC's response. Discussion on x3j14 list please.

Chair has ruled that at least until the November meeting we should continue to process RFI's as we have during our dormancy. Please treat this as an active matter on the floor and assume it is in order, reserving any arguments about RFI's per se until the meeting, in the interest of conserving mail traffic.

Q0011 as received

From:	Michael L. Gassanenko []
Sent:	Mon 05 Oct 98 09:16
Subject: RFI: The way to indicate errors in case of an ambiguous conditios
    6.2.2148 RESTORE-INPUT 				CORE EXT 
    	( xn ... x1 n -- flag )
    Attempt to restore the input source specification to the state described
    by x1 through xn. flag is true if the input source specification cannot
    be so restored. 
    An ambiguous condition exists if the input source represented by the
    arguments is not the same as the current input source.
    See: A.6.2.2182 SAVE-INPUT 
    ambiguous condition: 
    A circumstance for which this Standard does not prescribe a specific 
    behavior for Forth systems and programs. 
    Ambiguous conditions include such things as the absence of a needed 
    delimiter while parsing, attempted access to a nonexistent file, or 
    attempted use of a nonexistent word. An ambiguous condition also 
    exists when a Standard word is passed values that are improper 
    or out of range. 
    3.4.4 Possible actions on an ambiguous condition
    When an ambiguous condition exists, a system may take one or more of 
    the following actions:
      - ignore and continue;
      - display a message;
      - execute a particular word;
      - set interpretation state and begin text interpretation;
      - take other implementation-defined actions;
      - take implementation-dependent actions.
    The response to a particular ambiguous condition need not be the
    same under all circumstances.

In case that "the input source represented by the arguments is not the same as the current input source", GForth 0.3.0 throws exception -12 instead of returning a non-zero flag, which (the latter) one can expect reading the specification of RESTORE-INPUT. The letter of the standard allows this, but I am not sure that this is what was intended by the TC.

Indeed, any standard word returning a flag (like RESTORE-INPUT or file access words) is allowed to indicate an error in two ways: returning a non-zero result code (flag), or throwing an exception.

The most unpleasant thing is that code that works handling all errors on a system with no exception wordset may not work on a system with the exception wordset. For example, a hexadecimal browser processing the "goto location" command may crash throwing the exception -36 (invalid file position) even if it worked ok on a system with no exception mechanism.

----- PROPOSAL ---------------------------------------------------

My proposal is to specify in the standard that:

Standard words shall not throw exceptions when they can report error conditions by returning a flag or result code.

------END OF PROPOSAL --------------------------------------------

Where to add this: probably, "3.4.4 Possible actions on an ambiguous condition" is a good place for it, although someone might suggest a better place.