prev text next

                               12.  REQUIRED WORD SET

          12.1 The Required Word Set Layers 

          The words of the Required Word Set are grouped to show like
          characteristics.  No implementation requirements should be
          inferred from this grouping.

          Nucleus layer 
              !  *  */  */MOD  +  +!  -  /  /MOD  0<  0=  0>  1+  1-  2+ 
2-  2/  <  =  >  >R  ?DUP  @  ABS  AND  C!  C@  CMOVE 
          Device layer 
          Interpreter layer 
              #  #>  #S  #TIB  '  (  -TRAILING  .  .(  <#  >BODY  >IN 
          Compiler layer 
              +LOOP  ,  ."  :  ;  ABORT"  ALLOT  BEGIN  COMPILE  CONSTANT 
[']  [COMPILE]  ] 


          12.  REQUIRED WORD SET


          12.2 The Required Word Set Glossary 

          !            16b addr --                   79            "store" 
               16b is stored at addr.

          #            +d1 -- +d2                    79            "sharp" 
               The remainder of +d1 divided by the value of BASE is
               converted to an ASCII character and appended to the output
               string toward lower memory addresses.  +d2 is the quotient
               and is maintained for further processing.  Typically used
               between <# and #> .

          #>           32b -- addr +n                79    "sharp-greater" 
               Pictured numeric output conversion is ended dropping 32b.
               addr is the address of the resulting output string.  +n is
               the number of characters in the output string.  addr and +n
               together are suitable for TYPE .

          #S           +d -- 0 0                     29          "sharp-s" 
               +d is converted appending each resultant character into the
               pictured numeric output string until the quotient (see: # )
               is zero.  A single zero is added to the output string if the
               number was initially zero.  Typically used between <# and
               #> .

          #TIB         -- addr                       U,83   "number-t-i-b" 
               The address of a variable containing the number of bytes in
               the text input buffer.  #TIB is accessed by WORD when BLK is
               zero.  {{0..capacity of TIB}}  See:  "input stream"

          '            -- addr                       M,83           "tick" 
               Used in the form:
                       ' <name>
               addr is the compilation address of <name>.  An error
               condition exists if <name> is not found in the currently
               active search order.

          (            --                            I,M,83        "paren" 
                       --   (compiling)
               Used in the form:
                       ( ccc)
               The characters ccc, delimited by ) (closing parenthesis),
               are considered comments.  Comments are not otherwise
               processed.  The blank following ( is not part of ccc.  ( may
               be freely used while interpreting or compiling.  The number
               of characters in ccc may be zero to the number of characters
               remaining in the input stream up to the closing parenthesis.

          *            w1 w2 -- w3                   79            "times" 
               w3 is the least-significant 16 bits of the arithmetic
               product of w1 times w2.


          12.  REQUIRED WORD SET

          */           n1 n2 n3 -- n4                83     "times-divide" 
               n1 is first multiplied by n2 producing an intermediate 32-
               bit result.  n4 is the floor of the quotient of the
               intermediate 32-bit result divided by the divisor n3.  The
               product of n1 times n2 is maintained as an intermediate 32-
               bit result for greater precision than the otherwise
               equivalent sequence: n1 n2 * n3 / .  An error condition
               results if the divisor is zero or if the quotient falls
               outside of the range {-32,768..32,767}.  
               See:  "division, floored"

          */MOD        n1 n2 n3 -- n4 n5             83 "times-divide-mod" 
               n1 is first multiplied by n2 producing an intermediate 32-
               bit result.  n4 is the remainder and n5 is the floor of the
               quotient of the intermediate 32-bit result divided by the
               divisor n3.  A 32-bit intermediate product is used as for
               */ .  n4 has the same sign as n3 or is zero.  An error
               condition results if the divisor is zero or if the quotient
               falls outside of the range {-32,768..32,767}.  
               See:  "division, floored"

          +            w1 w2 -- w3                   79             "plus" 
               w3 is the arithmetic sum of w1 plus w2.

          +!           w1 addr --                    79       "plus-store" 
               w1 is added to the w value at addr using the convention for
               + .  This sum replaces the original value at addr.

          +LOOP        n --                          C,I,83    "plus-loop" 
                       sys --   (compiling)          
               n is added to the loop index.  If the new index was
               incremented across the boundary between limit-1 and limit
               then the loop is terminated and loop control parameters are
               discarded.  When the loop is not terminated, execution
               continues to just after the corresponding DO .  sys is
               balanced with its corresponding DO .  See:  DO

          ,            16b --                        79            "comma" 
               ALLOT space for 16b then store 16b at HERE 2- .

          -            w1 w2 -- w3                   79            "minus" 
               w3 is the result of subtracting w2 from w1.

          -TRAILING    addr +n1 -- addr +n2          79    "dash-trailing" 
               The character count +n1 of a text string beginning at addr
               is adjusted to exclude trailing spaces.  If +n1 is zero,
               then +n2 is also zero.  If the entire string consists of
               spaces, then +n2 is zero.

          .            n --                          M,79            "dot" 
               The absolute value of n is displayed in a free field format
               with a leading minus sign if n is negative.


          12.  REQUIRED WORD SET

          ."           --                            C,I,83    "dot-quote" 
                       --   (compiling)              
               Used in the form:                     
                       ." ccc"                       
               Later execution will display the characters ccc up to but
               not including the delimiting " (close-quote).  The blank
               following ." is not part of ccc.

          .(           --                            I,M,83    "dos-paren" 
                       --                            (compiling)          
               Used in the form:                     
                       .( ccc)                       
               The characters ccc up to but not including the delimiting )
               (closing parenthesis) are displayed.  The blank following .(
               is not part of ccc.

          /            n1 n2 -- n3                   83           "divide" 
               n3 is the floor of the quotient of n1 divided by the divisor
               n2.  An error condition results if the divisor is zero or if
               the quotient falls outside of the range {-32,768..32,767}.
               See:  "division, floored"

          /MOD         n1 n2 -- n3 n4                83       "divide-mod" 
               n3 is the remainder and n4 the floor of the quotient of n1
               divided by the divisor n2.  n3 has the same sign as n2 or is
               zero.  An error condition results if the divisor is zero or
               if the quotient falls outside of the range
               {-32,768..32,767}.  See:  "division, floored"

          0<           n -- flag                     83        "zero-less" 
               flag is true if n is less than zero (negative).

          0=           w -- flag                     83      "zero-equals" 
               flag is true if w is zero.

          0>           n -- flag                     83     "zero-greater" 
               flag is true if n is greater than zero.

          1+           w1 -- w2                      79         "one-plus" 
               w2 is the result of adding one to w1 according to the
               operations of + .

          1-           w1 -- w2                      79        "one-minus" 
               w2 is the result of subtracting one from w1 according to the
               operation of - .

          2+           w1 -- w2                      79         "two-plus" 
               w2 is the result of adding two to w1 according to the
               operation of + .

          2-           w1 -- w2                      79        "two-minus" 
               w2 is the result of subtracting two from w1 according to the
               operation of - .


          12.  REQUIRED WORD SET

          2/           n1 -- n2                      83       "two-divide" 
               n2 is the result of arithmetically shifting n1 right one
               bit.  The sign is included in the shift and remains

          :            -- sys                        M,79          "colon" 
               A defining word executed in the form: 
                       : <name> ... ;                
               Create a word definition for <name> in the compilation
               vocabulary and set compilation state.  The search order is
               changed so that the first vocabulary in the search order is
               changed so that the first vocabulary in the search order is
               replaced by the compilation vocabulary.  The compilation
               vocabulary is unchanged.  The text from the input stream is
               subsequently compiled.  <name> is called a "colon
               definition".  The newly created word definition for <name>
               cannot be found in the dictionary until the corresponding ;
               or ;CODE is successfully processed.   
               An error condition exists if a word is not found and cannot
               be converted to a number or if, during compilation from mass
               storage, the input stream is exhausted before encountering ;
               or ;CODE .  sys is balanced with its corresponding ; .  
               See: "compilation"  "9.4 Compilation"

          ;            --                            C,I,79   "semi-colon" 
                       sys --   (compiling)          
               Stops compilation of a colon definition, allows the <name>
               of this colon definition to be found in the dictionary, sets
               interpret state and compiles EXIT (or a system dependent
               word which performs an equivalent function).  sys is
               balanced with its corresponding : .  See:  EXIT  :  
               "stack, return"  "9.4 Compilation"

          <            n1 n2 -- flag                 83        "less-than" 
               flag is true if n1 is less than n2.   
                       -32678 32767 < must return true.                   
                       -32768 0 < must return true.

          <#           --                            79       "less-sharp" 
               Initialize pictured numeric output conversion.  The words: 
                       #  #>  #S  <#  HOLD  SIGN     
               can be used to specify the conversion of a double number
               into an ASCII text string stored in right-to-left order.

          =            w1 w2 -- flag                 83           "equals" 
               flag is true if w1 is equal to w2.

          >            n1 n2 -- flag                 83     "greater-than" 
               flag is true if n1 is greater than n2.                     
                       -32768 32767 > must return false.                  
                       -32768 0 > must return false.


          12.  REQUIRED WORD SET

          >BODY        addr1 -- addr2                83          "to-body" 
               addr2 is the parameter field address corresponding to the
               compilation address addr1.  See:  "9.2 Addressable Memory"

          >IN          -- addr                       U,79          "to-in" 
               The address of a variable which contains the present
               character offset within the input stream {{0..the number of
               characters in the input stream}}.  See:  WORD

          >R           16b --                        C,79           "to-r" 
               Transfers 16b to the return stack.  See  "9.3 Return Stack"

          ?DUP         16b -- 16b 16b                79    "question-dupe" 
               or      0 -- 0                        
               Duplicate 16b if it is non-zero.

          @            addr -- 16b                   79            "fetch" 
               16b is the value at addr.

          ABORT                                      79                   
               Clears the data stack and performs the function of QUIT .
               No message is displayed.

          ABORT"       flag --                       C,I,83  "abort-quote" 
                       --   (compiling)              
               Used in the form:                     
                       flag ABORT" ccc"              
               When later executed, if flag is true the characters ccc,
               delimited by " (close-quote), are displayed and then a
               system dependent error abort sequence, including the
               function of ABORT , is performed.  If flag is false, the
               flag is dropped and execution continues.  The blank
               following ABORT" is not part of ccc.

          ABS          n -- u                        79         "absolute" 
               u is the absolute value of n.  If n is -32,768 then u is the
               same value.  See:  "arithmetic, two's complement"

          ALLOT        w --                          79            
               Allocates w bytes in the dictionary.  The address of the
               next available dictionary entry is updated accordingly.

          AND          16b1 16b2 -- 16b3             79                   
               16b3 is the bit-by-bit logical 'and' of 16b1 with 16b2.

          BASE         -- addr                       U,83                 
               The address of a variable containing the current numeric
               conversion radix.  {{2..72}}


          12.  REQUIRED WORD SET

          BEGIN        --                            C,I,79               
                       -- sys   (compiling)          
               Used in the form:                     
                       BEGIN ... flag UNTIL          
                       BEGIN ... flag WHILE ... REPEAT                    
               BEGIN marks the start of a word sequence for repetitive
               execution.  A BEGIN-UNTIL loop will be repeated until flag
               is true.  A BEGIN-WHILE-REPEAT will be repeated until flag
               is false.  The words after UNTIL or REPEAT will be executed
               when either loop is finished.  sys is balanced with its
               corresponding UNTIL or WHILE .  
               See:  "9.9 Control Structures"

          BLK          -- addr                       U,79          "b-l-k" 
               The address of a variable containing the number of the mass
               storage block being interpreted as the input stream.  If the
               value of BLK is zero the input stream is taken from the text
               input buffer.  {{0..the number of blocks available -1}}
               See:  TIB  "input stream"

          BLOCK        u -- addr                     M,83                 
               addr is the address of the assigned buffer of the first byte
               of block u.  If the block occupying that buffer is not block
               u and has been UPDATEed it is transferred to mass storage
               before assigning the buffer.  If block u is not already in
               memory, it is transferred from mass storage into an assigned
               block buffer.  A block may not be assigned to more than one
               buffer.  If u is not an available block number, an error
               condition exists.  Only data within the last buffer
               referenced by BLOCK or BUFFER is valid.  The contents of a
               block buffer must not be changed unless the change may be
               transferred to mass storage.

          BUFFER       u -- addr                     M,83                 
               Assigns a block buffer to block u.  addr is the address of
               the first byte of the block within its buffer.  This
               function is fully specified by the definition for BLOCK
               except that if the block is not already in memory it might
               not be transferred from mass storage.  The contents of the
               block buffer assigned to block u by BUFFER are unspecified.

          C!           16b addr --                   79          "c-store" 
               The least-significant 8 bits of 16b are stored into the byte
               at addr.

          C@           addr -- 8b                    79          "c-fetch" 
               8b is the contents of the byte at addr.

          CMOVE        addr1 addr2 u --              83           "c-move" 
               Move u bytes beginning at address addr1 to addr2.  The byte
               at addr1 is moved first, proceeding toward high memory.  If
               u is zero nothing is moved.


          12.  REQUIRED WORD SET

          CMOVE>       addr1 addr2 u --              83        "c-move-up" 
               Move the u bytes at address addr1 to addr2.  The move begins
               by moving the byte at (addr1 plus u minus 1) to (addr2 plus
               u minus 1) and proceeds to successively lower addresses for
               u bytes.  If u is zero nothing is moved.  (Useful for
               sliding a string towards higher addresses).

          COMPILE      --                            C,83                 
               Typically used in the form:           
                       : <name> ... COMPILE <namex> ... ;                 
               When <name> is executed, the compilation address compiled
               for <namex> is compiled and not executed.  <name> is
               typically immediate and <namex> is typically not immediate.
               See:  "compilation"

          CONSTANT     16b --                        M,83                 
               A defining word executed in the form: 
                       16b CONSTANT <name>           
               Creates a dictionary entry for <name> so that when <name> is
               later executed, 16b will be left on the stack.

          CONVERT      +d1 addr1 -- +d2 addr2        79                   
               +d2 is the result of converting the characters within the
               text beginning at addr1+2 into digits, using the value of
               BASE , and accumulating each into +d1 after multiplying +d1
               by the value of BASE .  Conversion continues until an
               unconvertible character is encounter.  addr2 is the location
               of the first unconvertible character.

          COUNT        addr1 -- addr2 +n             79                   
               addr2 is addr1+1 and +n is the length of the counted string
               at addr1.  The byte at addr1 contains the byte count +n.
               Range of +n is {0.255}  See:  "string, counted"

          CR           --                            M,79            "c-r" 
               Displays a carriage-return and line-feed or equivalent

          CREATE       --                            M,79                  
               A defining word executed in the form: 
                       CREATE <name>                 
               Creates a dictionary entry for <name>.  After <name> is
               created, the next available dictionary location is the first
               byte of <name>'s parameter field.  When <name> is
               subsequently executed, the address of the first byte of
               <name>'s parameter field is left on the stack.  CREATE does
               not allocate space in <name>'s parameter field.

          D+           wd1 wd2 -- wd3                79           "d-plus" 
               wd3 is the arithmetic sum of wd1 plus wd2.

          D<           d1 d2 -- flag                 83      "d-less-than" 
               flag is true if d1 is less than d2 according to the
               operation of < except extended to 32 bits.


          12.  REQUIRED WORD SET

          DECIMAL      --                            79                   
               Set the input-output numeric conversion base to ten.

          DEFINITIONS  --                            79                   
               The compilation vocabulary is changed to be the same as the
               first vocabulary in the search order.  
               See:  "vocabulary, compilation"

          DEPTH        -- +n                         79                   
               +n is the number of 16-bit values contained in the data
               stack before +n was placed on the stack.

          DNEGATE      d1 -- d2                      79         "d-negate" 
               d2 is the two's complement of d1.

          DO           w1 w2 --                      C,I,83               
                       -- sys   (compiling)          
               Used in the form:                     
                       DO ... LOOP                   
                       DO ... +LOOP                  
               Begins a loop which terminates based on control parameters.
               The loop index begins at w2, and terminates based on the
               limit w1.  See LOOP and +LOOP for details on how the loop is
               terminated.  The loop is always executed at least once.  For
               example: w DUP DO ... LOOP executes 65,536 times.  sys is
               balanced with its corresponding LOOP or +LOOP .  
               See:  "9.9 Control Structures"
               An error condition exists if insufficient space is available
               for at least three nesting levels.

          DOES>        -- addr                       C,I,83         "does" 
                       --   (compiling)              
               Defines the execution-time action of a word created by a
               high-level defining word.  Used in the form:               
                       : <namex> ... <create> ... DOES> ... ;             
               and then                              
                       <namex> <name>                
               where <create> is CREATE or any user defined word which
               executes CREATE .                     
               Marks the termination of the defining part of the defining
               word <namex> and then begins the definition of the
               execution-time action for words that will later be defined
               by <namex>.  When <name> is later executed, the address of
               <name>'s parameter field is placed on the stack and then the
               sequence of words between DOES> and ; are executed.

          DROP         16b --                        79                   
               16b is removed from the stack.

          DUP          16b -- 16b 16b                79             "dupe" 
               Duplicate 16b.


          12.  REQUIRED WORD SET

          ELSE         --                            C,I,79               
                       sys1 -- sys2   (compiling)    
               Used in the form:                     
                       flag IF ... ELSE ... THEN     
               ELSE executes after the true part following IF .  ELSE
               forces execution to continue at just after THEN .  sys1 is
               balanced with its corresponding IF .  sys2 is balanced with
               its corresponding THEN .  See:  IF  THEN

          EMIT         16b --                        M,83                 
               The least-significant 7-bit ASCII character is displayed.
               SEE:  "9.5.3 EMIT"

          EXECUTE      addr --                       79                   
               The word definition indicated by addr is executed.  An error
               condition exists if addr is not a compilation address

          EXIT         --                            C,79                 
               Compiled within a colon definition such that when executed,
               that colon definition returns control to the definition that
               passed control to it by returning control to the return
               point on the top of the return stack.  An error condition
               exists if the top of the return stack does not contain a
               valid return point.  May not be used within a do-loop.  
               See: ;  "stack, return"  "9.3 Return Stack"

          EXPECT       addr +n --                    M,83                 
               Receive characters and store each into memory.  The transfer
               begins at addr proceeding towards higher addresses one byte
               per character until either a "return" is received or until
               +n characters have been transferred.  No more than +n
               characters will be stored.  The "return" is not stored into
               memory.  No characters are received or transferred if +n is
               zero.  All characters actually received and stored into
               memory will be displayed, with the "return" displaying as a
               space.  See:  SPAN  "9.5.2 EXPECT"

          FILL         addr u 8b --                  83                   
               u bytes of memory beginning at addr are set to 8b.  No
               action is taken if u is zero.

          FIND         addr1 -- addr2 n              83                   
               addr1 is the address of a counted string.  The string
               contains a word name to be located in the currently active
               search order.  If the word is not found, addr2 is the string
               address addr1, and n is zero.  If the word is found, addr2
               is the compilation address and n is set to one of two non-
               zero values.  If the word found has the immediate attribute,
               n is set to one.  If the word is non-immediate, n is set to
               minus one (true).


          12.  REQUIRED WORD SET

          FLUSH        --                            M,83                 
               Performs the function of SAVE-BUFFERS then unassigns all
               block buffers.  (This may be useful for mounting or changing
               mass storage media).

          FORGET       --                            M,83                 
               Used in the form:                     
                       FORGET <name>                 
               If <name> is found in the compilation vocabulary, delete
               <name> from the dictionary and all words added to the
               dictionary after <name> regardless of their vocabulary.
               Failure to find <name> is an error condition.  An error
               condition also exists if the compilation vocabulary is
               deleted.  See:  "10.2 General Error Conditions"

          FORTH        --                            83                   
               The name of the primary vocabulary.  Execution replaces the
               first vocabulary in the search order with FORTH .  FORTH is
               initially the compilation vocabulary and the first
               vocabulary in the search order.  New definitions become part
               of the FORTH vocabulary until a different compilation
               vocabulary is established.  See:  VOCABULARY

          FORTH-83     --                            83                   
               Assures that a FORTH-83 Standard System is available,
               otherwise an error condition exists.

          HERE         -- addr                       79                  
               The address of the next available dictionary location.

          HOLD         char --                       79                  
               char is inserted into a pictured numeric output string.
               Typically used between <# and #>.

          I            -- w                          C,79                 
               w is a copy of the loop index.  May only be used in the
                       DO ... I ... LOOP             
                       DO ... I ... +LOOP


          12.  REQUIRED WORD SET

          IF           flag --                       C,I,79               
                       -- sys   (compiling)
               Used in the form:                     
                       flag IF ... ELSE ... THEN     
                       flag IF ... THEN              
               If flag is true, the words following IF are executed and the
               words following ELSE until just after THEN are skipped.  The
               ELSE part is optional.                
               If flag is false, the words from IF through ELSE , or from
               IF through THEN (when no ELSE is used), are skipped.  sys is
               balanced with its corresponding ELSE or THEN .  
               See:  "9.9 Control Structures"

          IMMEDIATE    --                            79                   
               Marks the most recently created dictionary entry as a word
               which will be executed when encountered during compilation
               rather than compiled.

          J            -- w                          C,79                 
               w is a copy of the index of the next outer loop.  May only
               be used within a nested DO-LOOP or DO-+LOOP in the form, for
                       DO ... DO ... J ... LOOP ... +LOOP

          KEY          -- 16b                        M,83                 
               The least-significant 7 bits of 16b is the next ASCII
               character received.  All valid ASCII characters can be
               received.  Control characters are not processed by the
               system for any editing purpose.  Characters received by KEY
               will not be displayed.  See:  "9.5.1 KEY"

          LEAVE        --                            C,I,83               
                       --   (compiling)              
               Transfers execution to just beyond the next LOOP or +LOOP .
               The loop is terminated and loop control parameters are
               discarded.  May only be used in the form:                  
                       DO ... LEAVE ... LOOP         
                       DO ... LEAVE ... +LOOP        
               LEAVE may appear within other control structures which are
               nested within the do-loop structure.  More than one LEAVE
               may appear within a do-loop.  See:  "9.3 Return Stack"

          LITERAL      -- 16b                        C,I,79               
                       16b --   (compiling)          
               Typically used in the form:           
                       [ 16b ] LITERAL               
               Compiles a system dependent operation so that when later
               executed, 16b will be left on the stack.


          12.  REQUIRED WORD SET

          LOAD         u --                          M,79                 
               The contents of >IN and BLK , which locate the current input
               stream, are saved.  The input stream is then redirected to
               the beginning of screen u by setting >IN to zero and BLK to
               u.  The screen is then interpreted.  If interpretation from
               screen u is not terminated explicitly it will be terminated
               when the input stream is exhausted and then the contents of
               >IN and BLK will be restored.  An error condition exists if
               u is zero.  See:  >IN  BLK  BLOCK

          LOOP         --                            C,I,83               
                       sys --   (compiling)          
               Increments the DO-LOOP index by one.  If the new index was
               incremented across the boundary between limit-1 and limit
               the loop is terminated and loop control parameters are
               discarded.  When the loop is not terminated, execution
               continues to just after the corresponding DO .  sys is
               balanced with its corresponding DO .  See:  DO

          MAX          n1 n2 -- n3                   79              "max" 
               n3 is the greater of n1 and n2 according to the operation of
               > .

          MIN          n1 n2 -- n3                   79              "min" 
               n3 is the lesser of n1 and n2 according to the operation of
               < .

          MOD          n1 n2 -- n3                   83                   
               n3 is the remainder after dividing n1 by the divisor n2.  n3
               has the same sign as n2 or is zero.  An error condition
               results if the divisor is zero or if the quotient falls
               outside of the range {-32,768..32,767}.  
               See:  "division, floored"

          NEGATE       n1 -- n2                      79                   
               n2 is the two's complement of n1, i.e, the difference of
               zero less n1.

          NOT          16b1 -- 16b2                  83                   
               16b2 is the one's complement of 16b1.

          OR           16b1 16b2 -- 16b3             79                   
               16b3 is the bit-by-bit inclusive-or of 16b1 with 16b2.

          OVER         16b1 16b2 -- 16b1 16b2 16b3   79                   
               16b3 is a copy of 16b1.

          PAD          -- addr                       83                   
               The lower address of a scratch area used to hold data for
               intermediate processing.  The address or contents of PAD may
               change and the data lost if the address of the next
               available dictionary location is changed.  The minimum
               capacity of PAD is 84 characters.


          12.  REQUIRED WORD SET

          PICK         +n -- 16b                     83                   
               16b is a copy of the +nth stack value, not counting +n
               itself.  {0..the number of elements on stack-1}            
                       0 PICK is equivalent to DUP   
                       1 PICK is equivalent to OVER

          QUIT         --                            79                   
               Clears the return stack, sets interpret state, accepts new
               input from the current input device, and begins text
               interpretation.  No message is displayed.

          R>           -- 16b                        C,79         "r-from" 
               16b is removed from the return stack and transferred to the
               data stack.  See:  "9.3 Return Stack"

          R@           -- 16b                        C,79        "r-fetch" 
               16b is a copy of the top of the return stack.

          REPEAT       --                            C,I,79               
                       sys --   (compiling)          
               Used in the form:                     
                       BEGIN ... flag WHILE ... REPEAT                    
               At execution time, REPEAT continues execution to just after
               the corresponding BEGIN .  sys is balanced with its
               corresponding WHILE .  See:  BEGIN

          ROLL         +n --                         83                   
               The +nth stack value, not counting +n itself is first
               removed and then transferred to the top of the stack, moving
               the remaining values into the vacated position.  {0..the
               number of elements on the stack-1}    
                       2 ROLL is equivalent to ROT   
                       0 ROLL is a null operation

          ROT          16b1 16b2 16b3 -- 16b2 16b3 16b1  79         "rote" 
               The top three stack entries are rotated, bringing the
               deepest to the top.

          SAVE-BUFFERS --                            M,79   "save-buffers" 
               The contents of all block buffers marked as UPDATEed are
               written to their corresponding mass storage blocks.  All
               buffers are marked as no longer being modified, but may
               remain assigned.

          SIGN         n --                          83                   
               If n is negative, an ASCII "-" (minus sign) is appended to
               the pictured numeric output string.  Typically used between
               <# and #> .

          SPACE        --                            M,79                 
               Displays an ASCII space.


          12.  REQUIRED WORD SET

          SPACES       +n --                         M,79                 
               Displays +n ASCII spaces.  Nothing is displayed if +n is

          SPAN         -- addr                       U,83                 
               The address of a variable containing the count of characters
               actually received and stored by the last execution of
               EXPECT .  See:  EXPECT

          STATE        -- addr                       U,79                 
               The address of a variable containing the compilation state.
               A non-zero content indicates compilation is occurring, but
               the value itself is system dependent.  A Standard Program
               may not modify this variable.

          SWAP         16b1 16b2 -- 16b2 16b1        79                   
               The top two stack entries are exchanged.

          THEN         --                            C,I,79               
                       sys --   (compiling)
               Used in the form:                     
                       flag IF ... ELSE ... THEN     
                       flag IF ... THEN              
               THEN is the point where execution continues after ELSE , or
               IF when no ELSE is present.  sys is balanced with its
               corresponding IF or ELSE .  See:  IF  ELSE

          TIB          -- addr                       83            "t-i-b" 
               The address of the text input buffer.  This buffer is used
               to hold characters when the input stream is coming from the
               current input device.  The minimum capacity of TIB is 80

          TYPE         addr +n --                    M,79                 
               +n characters are displayed from memory beginning with the
               character at addr and continuing through consecutive
               addresses.  Nothing is displayed if +n is zero.  
               See: "9.5.4 TYPE"

          U.           u --                          M,79          "u-dot" 
               u is displayed as an unsigned number in a free-field format.

          U<           u1 u2 -- flag                 83      "u-less-than" 
               flag is true if u1 is less than u2.

          UM*          u1 u2 -- ud                   83        "u-m-times" 
               ud is the unsigned product of u1 times u2.  All values and
               arithmetic are unsigned.


          12.  REQUIRED WORD SET

          UM/MOD       ud u1 -- u2 u3                83   "u-m-divide-mod" 
               u2 is the remainder and u3 is the floor of the quotient
               after dividing ud by the divisor u1.  All values and
               arithmetic are unsigned.  An error condition results if the
               divisor is zero or if the quotient lies outside the range
               corresponding BEGIN .  See:  BEGIN

          UPDATE       --                            79                   
               The currently valid block buffer is marked as modified.
               Blocks marked as modified will subsequently be automatically
               transferred to mass storage should its memory buffer be
               needed for storage of a different block or upon execution of
               FLUSH or SAVE-BUFFERS .

          VARIABLE     --                            M,79                 
               A defining word executed in the form: 
                       VARIABLE <name>               
               A dictionary entry for <name> is created and two bytes are
               ALLOTted in its parameter field.  This parameter field is to
               be used for contents of the variable.  The application is
               responsible for initializing the contents of the variable
               which it creates.  When <name> is later executed, the
               address of its parameter field is placed on the stack.

          VOCABULARY   --                            M,83                 
               A defining word executed in the form: 
                       VOCABULARY <name>             
               A dictionary entry for <name> is created which specifies a
               new ordered list of word definitions.  Subsequent execution
               of <name> replaces the first vocabulary in the search order
               with <name>.  When <name> becomes the compilation vocabulary
               new definitions will be appended to <name>'s list.     
               See:  DEFINITIONS  "search order"


          12.  REQUIRED WORD SET

          WHILE        flag --                       C,I,79               
                       sys1 -- sys2   (compiling)    
               Used in the form:                     
                       BEGIN ... flag WHILE ... REPEAT                    
               Selects conditional execution based on flag.  When flag is
               true, execution continues to just after the WHILE through to
               the REPEAT which then continues execution back to just after
               the BEGIN .  When flag is false, execution continues to just
               after the REPEAT , exiting the control structure.  sys1 is
               balanced with its corresponding BEGIN .  sys2 is balanced
               with its corresponding REPEAT .  See:  BEGIN

          WORD         char -- addr                  M,83                 
               Generates a counted string by non-destructively accepting
               characters from the input stream until the delimiting
               character char is encountered or the input stream is
               exhausted.  Leading delimiters are ignored.  The entire
               character string is stored in memory beginning at addr as a
               sequence of bytes.  The string is followed by a blank which
               is not included in the count.  The first byte of the string
               is the number of characters {0..255}.  If the string is
               longer than 255 characters, the count is unspecified.  If
               the input stream is already exhausted as WORD is called,
               then a zero length character string will result.           
               If the delimiter is not found the value of >IN is the size
               of the input stream.  If the delimiter is found >IN is
               adjusted to indicate the offset to the character following
               the delimiter.  #TIB is unmodified.   
               The counted string returned by WORD may reside in the "free" 
               dictionary area at HERE or above.  Note that the text
               interpreter may also use this area.  See:  "input stream"

          XOR          16b1 16b2 -- 16b3             79             "x-or" 
               16b3 is the bit-by-bit exclusive-or of 16b1 with 16b2.

          [            --                            I,79   "left-bracket" 
                       --   (compiling)              
               Sets interpret state.  The text from the input stream is
               subsequently interpreted.  For typical usage see LITERAL .
               See:  ]

          [']          -- addr                       C,I,M,83    "bracket- 
                       --   (compiling)                              tick"
               Used in the form:                     
                       ['] <name>                    
               Compiles the compilation address addr of <name> as a
               literal.  When the colon definition is later executed addr
               is left on the stack.  An error condition exists if <name>
               is not found in the currently active search order.  
               See:  LITERAL


          12.  REQUIRED WORD SET

          [COMPILE]    --                            C,I,M,79    "bracket- 
                       --   (compiling)                           compile"
               Used in the form:                     
                       [COMPILE] <name>              
               Forces compilation of the following word <name>.  This
               allows compilation of an immediate word when it would
               otherwise have been executed.

          ]            --                            79    "right-bracket" 
               Sets compilation state.  The text from the input stream is
               subsequently compiled.  For typical usage see LITERAL .
               See:  [
